Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Zerone: Loading Bitmap (BMP) Files in C

I still remember the days of my effort in displaying Bitmap files using C. My first technical article 'Loading Bitmap (BMP) Files in C' was even published in department journal 'Zerone'.

The complete code can be viewed at http://mycodes.schtuff.com/

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mediawiki hacks: Page by Page Access Restriction Extension

I created a mediawiki extension that restricts page access (view/edit) based upon users, group. I posted the extension in meta.wikimedia.org.

There's one convincing extension PageProtection, but it requires PEAR. I was looking for a simple extension.

I altered and added features to http://www.epistemographer.com/?p=238

Also cache was also giving problem. The code at thinkhole.org helped in disabling cache.